Believers Can Send the Host Armies of God to Destroy Evil
Working with information from Holy Spirit, believers can send the Host Armies of God into enemy territory to destroy the works of Satan. The Host Armies of God use their weapons to defeat and destroy the works of darkness giving us dynamic results in prayer.
The Weapons of Our Warfare
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). God has given the Church His Word, His Authority, and His Host Armies for victory over all the power of the enemy. These resources are important for crushing the unfruitful works of darkness. There is also fasting and prayer; decrees and declarations; and putting on the whole armor of God.
In the Book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul strongly encourages believers to use the armor of God and to also pray in the Spirit using all manners of prayer:
“ 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:11-12, KJV).
“…praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints…” (Ephesians 6:18, NKJV).
Diversities of prayer may include supplications, prophetic utterance, and casting out evil spirits. The application of these manners may include making decrees; speaking in tongues; sending the Host Armies of God into battle; or a combination of the three. Holy Spirit is here to help each of us discern the appropriate application required for every conflict. He is an excellent teacher instructing us to war a good warfare in the spirit; and He knows where to deploy the Host Armies as needed.
Holy Spirit Knows Where to Send the Host Armies
Holy Spirit knows where to send the Armies of God. He has access to the plans and purposes of God. As a Helper for the child of God, He knows how to capture the enemy in war. In prayer, He reveals enemy intelligence so we can quickly zero in on enemy targets. He also gives us insight on where to send the Hosts’ when we pray. For example, Holy Spirit may lead you to pray for a pastor caught in sexual sin. If the threat is deeper than one person, He may direct you to send the Host Armies to tear down a ruling principality attached to that pastor’s congregation. He provides information with pinpoint accuracy so we can effectively shred demonic platforms.
In the first scenario, you’re being directed to pray for a person’s soul so they will be positioned to repent and turn from sin. In the other situation, you’re being prompted to tear down a systemic issue that may be affecting leadership within that particular assembly. Whatever the case, Holy Spirit determines what we need to know in a given situation so we can pray accordingly.
26Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God (Romans 8:26-27, KJV).
But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:10, NKJV).
Relying on Holy Spirit to guide us in warfare is necessary to pinpoint our target and successfully destroy it.
Destroying the Works of Darkness
Once Holy Spirit reveals the target, we activate [send] the Host Armies to strike the target. The goal is to completely and utterly destroy the works of darkness with prayer. Jesus informed the disciples they were to pray, “…be it on earth as it is in Heaven.” We know there is no satanic mischief in Heaven. There is no sickness or disease or infirmity. In Heaven, people are living and creating with God in peace.
In the Book of Genesis, God told Adam to have dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:28). He wasn’t speaking to dominating dirt in order to plant the most amazing gardens throughout history. God was speaking to Adam’s birthright as a man, made in the image and likeness of God—a God who serves up penalties for wickedness and rebellion. Adam was directed by God to have dominion over the earth; and although Adam fell short, Jesus restored us to justification through the Cross.
Jesus also taught the disciples to use their authority over the works of the Devil in order to subdue demonic forces harming others. Jesus stated He had come to earth to display the works of God and those works included having dominion over the Adversary. The commission to subdue darkness was not cancelled after Jesus rose from the dead; on the contrary, the commission to disable the works of Satan was cemented by the victory of Jesus Christ. We are expected to dominate the devil and we have the keys to win. We can win by activating the Host Armies of God in prayer.
Photo credit: The Classic Bible Art Collection/Goodsalt
Activating the Host Armies of God
There is only one way to activate the Host Armies of God; we send them on strategic missions as led by Holy Spirit. We enter into prayer, listen for the leading of Holy Spirit, and we send the Hosts’ into battle.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12, NKJV).
The war takes place in the second heaven where Satan has his kingdom. The Hosts’ of Heaven enter into Satan’s atmosphere and they uproot the demonic powers controlling an area or a sphere for example. Consequently, we can also send the Host Armies to tear down strongholds keeping people themselves in bondage.
It’s important to remember that with people, they have free will. While we can push down demonic forces blinding a person’s mind to truth, people have to be willing to receive truth in order to receive freedom. In those cases, we can still send the Hosts’ into a person’s sphere to shred demonic forces keeping them from receiving truth. By doing this, we can help to position a person to ‘receive’ truth.
Bear in mind that some assignments in spiritual warfare may require both prayer and fasting. This was the case for Esther who had to confront spiritual wickedness in high places and the spirit controlling Haman.
The Testimony of Esther
The testimony of Esther is a situation that required both prayer and fasting. When it was revealed to her from Mordecai that Haman was seeking to wipeout the Jews, she ordered three days of prayer and fasting for the entire Jewish community. The ‘spirit’ that was bent on killing off the Jews went further than this one man, Haman. Esther was dealing with spiritual wickedness in high places and the response to utter annihilation was prayer and fasting.
Holy Spirit will show you if prayer and fasting apply as you make supplication for people and systems; but usually, we can send the Hosts’ into enemy territory with a command and our decrees. Regardless of the situation, we send the Hosts’ into battle with our speech by faith.
Giving Orders
Like any other military force, troops receive orders from Commanders; it’s our responsibility to give the Host Armies their orders. Commands come from us after we have sought Holy Spirit for guidance on where to dispatch the troops. As spirit-filled Christians in relationship with Jesus, we have the legal authority to send the Host Armies of God on maneuvers. We can dispatch them anywhere at any time as the Spirit leads provided we are in right-standing with the Lord. Essentially, this means we are serving Jesus Christ and living a consecrated life.
If we are not in fellowship with God, then we are not in right-standing with God. If we’re not in right-standing, then the Hosts’ are under no obligation to move for us. Commanding an Army is serious business and Kingdom business must be delegated by those who are in close connection with Holy Spirit. If someone is not intimately connected to Holy Spirit they may find themselves on the wrong side of a spiritual battle.
The Seven Sons of Sceva
The Seven Sons of Sceva nearly lost their lives when they attempted to rule over demons like they observed watching Paul. It was a harsh lesson, but it proved that demons will only submit to people who are in fellowship with God.
13 But also some of the Jewish exorcists, who went from place to place, attempted to use the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had the evil spirits, saying, “I order you in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches!” 14 Now there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, doing this. 15 But the evil spirit responded and said to them, “I recognize Jesus, and I know of Paul, but who are you?” 16 And the man in whom was the evil spirit, pounced on them and subdued all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded (Acts 19:13-16, NASB).
Magnify this demonic response by a thousand when conducting spiritual warfare with the Hosts’. Executing strategies in the second heaven isn’t for casual Christian’s or those not connected to Holy Spirit. Casual Christian’s can become casualties. Commanders in the kingdom must be in close fellowship with the Lord at all times or they may find themselves on the wrong end of an attack. Engaging in spiritual warfare is not for the lukewarm or the half-hearted; a Christian has to be all-in for Jesus before they can give orders to the Hosts’.
Where Do You Send the Host Armies?
There are numerous places to send the Hosts Armies to battle: legislative bodies; school systems; the courts; police departments; medical companies; technology companies; military bases; local and retail industries. Wherever demonic activity is impeding upon God’s will for the earth that is an acceptable place to send the Host Armies of God. It is their commission to tear down principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness and wickedness in high places invading the earth (Ephesians 6:12).
Not ready to aim that high? Then send the Host’s to tear down demonic strongholds in your own family; then send them into your own neighborhood. After you have grown accustomed to sending them on assignments close to home; venture into the systems affecting your community’s standard of living and infrastructure. The sky is the limit. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength (Philippians 4:13).
How Do You Send the Hosts’ Into Battle?
We send the Armies of God into battle with our mouths. We make decrees with the Word of God and then we deploy them into battle. It’s important to follow certain guidelines throughout the process so we don’t miss critical information. Military maneuvers for the Hosts’ should be specific and they should have specific goals.
While Holy Spirit will be assisting you with what to attack and where, below is a basic summary of how to begin sending the Host Armies into your own personal territory:
- Before deploying the Hosts’ determine your target
- Vocalize your authority over darkness
- Decree the objective with your words
- Send the Hosts’ into battle
An Example of Giving Orders
Using ‘school bullying’ as an example, your orders for the Host Armies may sound something like this:
“Father, there is a problem at Johnny’s school with bullying. This behavior is never Your will and it does not promote heaven on earth as you requested we pray. I am in agreement with Your Word; and as a co-heir with Christ Jesus, seated in heavenly places with Him (Ephesians 2:6), I will not tolerate this destructive behavior at Johnny’s school.
According to the Bible, I have power over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19) and I am placing a ‘cease and desist’ order against the demonic powers of bullying operating at Johnny’s school. I declare and decree that this demonic attack of bullying will cease immediately and the powers influencing people to bully are being subdued and restrained right now, in the Name of Jesus.
Thank you for giving me access to the Host Armies of God. I am sending them to the school to tear down this demonic attack from Satan and I thank you for giving me the victory.
Now, Hosts’ of Heaven, ‘Go!’ and tear down this demonic attack of bullying, in the Name of Jesus!”
This example is a good place to begin as you grow in your understanding of spiritual warfare. As you develop your “sending” skills, you will advance into new territories and perhaps one day subdue principalities attacking nations.
Advancing Into New Territories
Today, you may be sending the Host Armies of God to eliminate demonic assignments affecting your immediate family and your personal community. As you continue to send the Hosts’ into battle, your reach in the spirit will expand. You will send them to subdue darkness in systems, territories, and even realms. You will develop as a commander and recognize the demonic powers in operation as Holy Spirit reveals specifics. It’s important to begin with your sphere of influence so you can learn the ropes. You begin with one assignment at a time taking on new mandates as the Spirit wills. If it’s God’s will to advance you into new territories, He will do so after you have mastered the basics. Start where the Lord instructs you and be faithful in those beginnings; He will promote you according to His will.
Your success is determined by perseverance and practice. It takes faith to send the Host Armies of God on maneuvers for the Kingdom. If you want to take your prayer life to the next level, sending the Host Armies of God to destroy the works of darkness is an excellent way to get results.
©2021, What You Will
In case you missed it, read the rest of the series: Part 1 and Part 2
Interested in other articles on spiritual warfare? See also: The Gift of Discernment – Know the Truth
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During this particular time in history I come in contact with many people that are lost and constantly searching for answers to their problems. They repeat the same behaviors and expect positive results. It is a shame that more people do not understand the fact that their battle is a spiritual one. Miss Cynthia teaches us in exceptional detail just how to fight these battles with proven success. My prayer is that more people will be exposed to her teaching, and will break free of the chains that bind them.
Hello JJ! It is our hope this messaging will gain increased visibility. We know the Host Armies are valuable tools for waging a victorious warfare against the enemy. We have put these teachings to work in our own ministry with proven results. Your comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Thank you for your posts on the Hosts. I heard about them many eons ago and reheard about them through Kat Kerr on Elijahlist. I now delight in sending them out and hearing the results. Your balance on how to send them out is beautiful and the larger context of spiritual warfare (ie. fasting and praying by Esther).
Thank you for your comments, Jim. This teaching has changed my life. I apply these strategies to my daily living. I really appreciate the testimonies and teachings of people like Kat Kerr. She’s an asset to the Body of Christ. I’m honored you find value in this teaching!