Jesus Saves Completely

Have you ever walked through a fiery trial and felt alone?  Have you ever wondered what Jesus is doing while you are praying your way through?

‘Hebrews 7:25  Jesus save completely anyone who comes to God through Him because He lives to make intercession for us.

After we are born-again and saved from eternal separation from God, there are many situations and challenges that we also need saving from by Jesus.  When these occur, Jesus promises to completely save us  completely because He lives to continue to make intercession for us.

Jesus is praying for you today, just as He interceded for us during His ministry on earth.

Luke 6:12 records the Lord often praying on a mountain while others were sleeping.   John 17 records Jesus praying over you and I, that we would be unified within the body of Christ, and One with our Father who is in Heaven.

It is impossible to lose hope in any situation when you have the revelation that Jesus is Personally praying for you.  And did you know that even  though Jesus’ has returned to heaven, He still meets us in our place of prayer, during times of fiery trials?

 Seasons of Severe Trials

Our Christian faith is best tested in time of trials.  And Jesus never stops helping us in these times.  So perhaps I should not have been surprised that Jesus chose this time to give us an encounter with Him.

In the Old Testament we see Him walking with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in a literal furnace.

In the New Testament  He walks on water to rescue His disciples from storms, or comes to them in a vision in their place of captivity.  Jesus Christ has not changed His heart toward His people when we walk through trials. He is the same God yesterday, today and forever.

A few years ago, my husband and I found ourselves walking through a perilous season.  We were navigating Hurricane recovery, a parent dying, a car accident, and wrongful suit by the IRS among a host of other related stresses.  It was precisely in this fiery furnace of affliction that Jesus chose to give me a deeper revelation of what the Word of God means when it says Jesus saves us completely from any circumstance by continuing to intercede for us.

Fourth man in the fire

One evening during corporate prayer,  there was a small group of us  walking in a circle around the church, praying intently in the spirit.  We were pressing into the power of the Holy Spirit to keep us in joy, 1 Thess. 1:6 and to reveal things to come that we would need to successfully navigate the uncertain days we were in. John 16:13.

As I rounded a corner, I encountered Jesus.  He was  20 feet in front of me, head slightly bowed, pressing  into prayer as intently as we were.  It was one of the most spectacular encounters I have had with Him.

Jesus wasn’t walking around ‘inspecting’ us. He was at the prayer meeting, pulling earnestly along with us for strength, details and ability to overcome during our  severe trial.  The glory or tangible Presence of God filled the room.

The encouragement that He was with us, the power released by His Presence was supernatural.  I was extremely grateful that the Holy Spirit opened the eyes of my heart to see Him, when I needed to the most.  Jesus is a present help in times of trouble. He will save our heart completely no matter how dire the situation, by interceding with and for us.

 Draw near to Jesus and He will draw near to you

If you are walking in a place of trial right now, keep your faith in God strong.  He will save you completely.   He is not aloof but actively praying for you.   You can be assured that as you draw near to Him in prayer, He will respond by drawing near to you.  James 4:8

Jesus is with you. He is praying for you, and He is praying with you.

Please leave your comments and questions below. In what times of your life has Jesus revealed Himself to you most clearly?  Do you have your supernatural prayer language? It is available.   We have more info. on


Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • A few years ago I lay in my bed with tears rolling down my cheek. I was under intense spiritual warfare and I was emotionally drowning. It was Hebrews 7:25 that Holy Spirit highlighted to me in that moment of sorrow and it was that scripture that calmed me enough to fall into a peaceful sleep. Thank you for this encouraging word. We all need to know that Jesus is with us always, no matter the fiery trial or circumstance.

    • I so agree! There is something so simple but profound about Jesus’ promise to never leave us or forsake us. And that He prayed for us in John and continues to keep His pulse on us and will still join in praying us through our trials here, is what endears Him to us. He really is God with us. I love Him for that, and know that you do as well. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. We have a beautiful Savior. Sara

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