As Believers in Christ Jesus, we are all called to “Rise Victorious.” To be “sure-footed and stable so that others can follow” us as “we follow Christ.”
The ploy of the enemy is to entice us into a “counterfeit rest” where we “exchange God Who Is our Glory for the image of an ox!”
Fear no man is a command. This is evidenced in multiple scriptures. Israel was warned about fearing man. Moses, God’s chosen deliverer in the Old Testament, informed the children of Israel about fearing people. Fearing man was strictly prohibited. When the people of God feared man, God was displeased. Fear…
One of the best definitions I have heard of God’s idea of prosperity is PEACE plus INCREASE. Let’s look at a few foundational principles of Biblical Prosperity and what it is and what it is not. God wants you walking in His abundance and prosperity for your life!
“In our world too, a stable once had something inside it that was bigger than our whole world.”- C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia As I type this, my legs aren’t shaved. I haven’t a stitch of makeup on my face and just got back from walking the park, so…
Are you in the process of believing God for healing and feel stuck? Sometimes we when contend for healing, we meet resistance or delays. Do not give up! Many people have stood where you are now! If you feel stuck, here are some powerful keys to receiving your healing.
God’s will is always to heal. But sometimes we ask Him to heal us and still find symptoms we have to deal with? Did God not want us healed? Find out why there are actions we have to take to receive healing from God and what those actions are.
My friend, if you and I live life on our terms and not God’s Terms, we become “Superficial Seekers.” People who strive for Spiritual Food through natural means alone.
Everyone of us needs healing of something in our lifetime. Have you ever wondered if God wanted to heal you? If you think there might be some reason God won’t heal you, this article is for you. The GOOD NEWS is that it is ALWAYS God’s will to heal.
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