“In our world too, a stable once had something inside it that was bigger than our whole world.”- C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia As I type this, my legs aren’t shaved. I haven’t a stitch of makeup on my face and just got back from walking the park, so…
There is nothing more needed today than peace. Sincere peace. Deep peace. Peace no matter what is happening around us.
You and I can walk in a deep and sincere heart peace even when circumstances around us are not peaceful. Only God offers us this supernatural peace. Let’s look at a few keys to having true peace in our hearts and mind, especially in these challenging and perilous days.
Responding to mistreatment doesn’t have to be problematic. When mistreated by others, our response should be a biblical one. In retaliation to mistreatment, the immature in Christ may resort to nasty retorts and maybe name calling; but the mature in Christ exercise patience. The response of Christians experiencing mistreatment should…
No one expects a pandemic. We usually do not have a well-thought out plan already in place as a worldwide health crisis unfolds. But, just as stressful or discorientating as the beginning of a world wiew crisis, can be the transition out of it. We do not have to panic or flounder. But God can help you in this unique time of transition. God can help you stay in peace and ‘fall-forward’ into a greater measure of blessing and His purpose for you.
Time to Rest I’m sitting at the edge of the Pacific watching the waves roll in one after another. The sun glistens off the wave crests and ripples. The unceasing flow, peaceful and powerful all at once. My daughter wades into the cool waters like she has done throughout her…
I walked up to the sign-in table of the Children’s Ministry at the mega church I attended–three young children in tow. You had to get your kids signed in early on Sunday morning or the classes might be full. Happy that I was ahead of schedule, I smiled at the…
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