

Transitioning after the Pandemic – Sara Shallenberger

No one expects a pandemic. We usually do not have a well-thought out plan already in place as a worldwide health crisis unfolds.  But, just as stressful or discorientating as the beginning of a world wiew crisis, can be the transition out of it. We do not have to panic or flounder.  But God can help you in this unique time of transition. God can help you stay in peace and ‘fall-forward’ into a greater measure of blessing and His purpose for you.

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Showing Up: Beth Fisher on Hope and Relationships

“Relationships based on surface-level knowledge stuff do not last. I read ‘What To Expect When You’re Expecting’ a thousand times in 9 months, and it did not inform me at all in the same way actually being with my daughter informed me. I learned by being with her, not by reading about what it was ‘supposed’ to be like.” Sound familiar? Being with God, spending time with Him, is what makes the relationship last. Sure, I love reading Scripture and yes, it informs me, but being with God in relationship? Nothing beats it.

You’ve got to be all in. Maybe not on day 1 – not the day your kid was born or you were re-born – but all in with regard to being committed to the (ongoing) relationship. Being committed to learning about and growing with the person, or, in this case, with God.

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