
Personal Development

Personal development takes an entire lifetime. You are never really finished working on yourself. The important thing is not to get stuck or complacent. Always be striving to become a better version of YOU.

The Testing of Faith

Image that says "When Faith is Tested"

Our response to the testing of faith says a lot about our character as Christians. Even when victory looks impossible, the just are expected to exercise faith. Sometimes, we have to give God the opportunity to come through for us when victory seems impossible. Faith is persistent. It has to…

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Cease the Comparison

"Cease the comparison game, Sis! You are amazing. Yes, you really are."

Leah Hadder

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14  ESV I will admit it, at one time, I wanted to be her. I wanted her flowing hair. I wanted her physique. I wanted to be as  courteous, graceful, and kind…

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Living Authentically: Beth Fisher on Forgiveness and Decision-Making

Beth Fisher

Effective decision-making stems from knowing who you are. You cannot make good decisions if you are constantly at war with yourself, or living under the heavy burdens of guilt and shame. In order to show up consistently in your life, you must practice radical self-love. When I rushed the process, my mistakes, terrible decision-making and self-worth looked the same for far too many years.

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Absolutely No Refunds! (Based on the book “I’m Broke & I Couldn’t Care Less!”)

What are you chasing? I often say, “If you spend your life chasing money, you’ll spend your life chasing money!” When money and affluent living is your goal, you’ll never be satisfied. There will always be the ‘newest‘ and the ‘latest.’ As a child, my brothers and I enjoyed watching…

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To Whom Much is Given: Beth Fisher on Surviving Cancer

There is no greater gift than the gift of life; Jesus died for us so that we may have life! Thus, I consider it a tremendous blessing to have had a second chance at living when, over twenty years ago, I was supposed to die from cancer. I was in the middle of a divorce. My soon to be ex-husband had moved us to a new city four months prior; he was now back in our home state by himself. I had a new job, no local friends, and postpartum. And also, as it turned out, leukemia.

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