Has God ever spoken a promise to you that was impossible? 

One of the most impossible promises God has given was telling a  75 year-old Abraham, “I am going to bless you and bring many nations from you.”  Abraham and Sarah were already old. Though their bodies were ‘as good as dead,’ they believed God.  But, they did not have their promised child that year, nor the next.  Their walk of faith spanned many decades. 

Just like God gave Abraham an impossible promise that took years to be fulfilled, He sometimes will give us these type of words as well.  When He does, there are simple choices we can make every day to live a life of faith for the impossible  over the long haul.

Let’s do a quick Bible study on how to believe God for the impossible over the long-haul….ready? 

God’s Word produces Faith 

A key to having faith for the impossible is to understand that God’s Word, written or prophetic, is what produces faith in our hearts (Romans 10:17).  

God came personally to Abraham and said, “I will always bless and protect you.” Abraham shot back “yes, but you haven’t given me a son, and if you don’t I will lose everything and it will go to my servant.” God responds quickly with an answer of: NO, this will NOT happen…you will have many offspring.   

The Bible records that when God spoke those words, Abraham believed God. WOW! God’s Word will produce faith in us EVEN if what He says is impossible! 

When God speaks into our hearts, our hearts are filled with the ability to believe. That is because God is truth and cannot lie (Numbers 23:19). He says them because He has a plan and ability to do them. Jeremiah 1:12,

Even if at the moment He speaks there is no evidence in the natural to point to what He is saying.

Our Words release our faith that comes from God’s Word

As soon as we hear God speak, especially when it is for the impossible, it is important that we latch OUR words to what HE said.

That is because our word touch both the unseen and seen realm. When God who is in the unseen realm speaks to us, we have to take His words and speak them into THIS realm where we can hear them. It is what starts the process of bringing those words to pass. Our words are given to us in order to create (Genesis 1:26). 

For Abraham it would be saying every day, Thank you God for the Son you have promised. Thank you for my heir, that he is a gift from you and many nations come from him.  

God will give us a point of faith

The other help to walking in faith for the long haul is to have something visual to attach to the promise. 

God is a good God and He didn’t just tell Abraham something, He SHOWED Abraham something.

When He promised nations, He pointed to the stars and said, “Your descendants will be just as numerous.”

From then on, every day Abraham could wake up and thank God verbally for his son who was on the way. And every night, Abraham had a reminder that would strengthen his heart that many offspring were on the way.  It kept his faith for the impossible STRONG over the long haul. 

A concrete help when we get prophetic Words is to write them down, then post them on a vision board, or mirror or somewhere we can see them everyday.  When we see it, it reminds us to say thank you Jesus, you have told me this is mine and I believe you.  I thank you in advance, and consider it mine already, in Jesus Name.

God will confirm His Word He Spoke

In long walks of faith, God always send confirmation when we need it. He appeared to Abraham at age 99 to again confirm His promise. “I will keep my solemn promise to you and give you more descendants than can be counted” (Genesis 17:2). God will do the same for you and I. A year before Isaac, He visited again. He  said “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son” (Genesis 18:10).

When the Lord told me ‘you will write many books’ that seemed impossible – I was an art teacher!  But, I believed Him and just started writing by faith.  After two years of writing, I went to a conference in Dallas where I did not know anyone. While the minister was moving in the gifts of the Spirit, he said ‘you have many books over your head.’  I was happy to get that confirmation! It had been a long two years of writing! 

About 5 years later, after writing a few more books, I was visiting a church. During the ministry time, the pastor who didn’t know me looked up and said ‘the Lord wants you to know He is pleased with your books so far.’ 

When we are speaking and acting in faith, God comes along side us and will encourage us when we need it. 

APPLY the Word 

You and I can please God by walking close enough with Him where we hear His heart and plans for us, like Abraham did. 

When we hear those plans, believe them! Confess them!  Post a visual reminder. Pray in the spirit to keep the enemy off of them. Take one small, concrete step towards those words every day. Active faith is living faith. And living faith will be able to stand the test of time as our faith walk spans over many years. 

Our simple faith in what God has told us is pleasing to Him. He can and wants to do the impossible in and through you. Let Him do it, by partnering with Him in a lifestyle of faith over the long haul. 

Connect with Us

Join us on Victory in the Word this month as we continue teaching on ‘Faith for the Impossible!’ More resources  H2two.org! We would love to hear comments on this article and connect with you! 




Sara Shallenberger
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