“2022, the Holy Ghost in You” is the yearly word of the Lord for the Body of Christ from What You Will. Each year, we receive a word from the Spirit of the Lord that aligns our platform with the plans and purposes of God. This word is the antithesis…
One of the best definitions I have heard of God’s idea of prosperity is PEACE plus INCREASE. Let’s look at a few foundational principles of Biblical Prosperity and what it is and what it is not. God wants you walking in His abundance and prosperity for your life!
No one expects a pandemic. We usually do not have a well-thought out plan already in place as a worldwide health crisis unfolds. But, just as stressful or discorientating as the beginning of a world wiew crisis, can be the transition out of it. We do not have to panic or flounder. But God can help you in this unique time of transition. God can help you stay in peace and ‘fall-forward’ into a greater measure of blessing and His purpose for you.
"It has always amazed me how just minutes spent with God can miraculously empower. When I focus on Him, I feel loved. When I focus on Him, I feel stronger. When I focus on Him, my frustrations and worries cannot withstand the joy He has to fulfill me."
I relished the moment I sat under the canopied tree and heard the birds singing. I felt the sun beaming down upon my arms and looked up into the bright, blue sky. Peace. I had not felt at peace for so long. I realized I craved it. Silence. I had…
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